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Servicio y Soporte

Apoyándote de la manera iba

Ein Mann steht in einer Fabrikhalle, neben ihm erscheinen digitale Daten.

Aplicaciones y Consultas

Consultar con iba ayuda a nuestros usuarios a sacar el mayor provecho de su inversión en la tecnología iba. Permítanos aplicar nuestras soluciones analíticas a sus problemas de monitoreo y análisis de la manera más eficiente posible.

Two men look consultatively into computer screens.

Soporte Técnico

Ofrecemos soporte técnico a nuestros clientes, lo que les permite utilizar nuestros productos de forma eficiente y prever fallas durante las operaciones. Nuestro equipo de soporte experimentado atenderá sus consultas.

Product & Support News


ibaHD-Server-V2 available

Free upgrade from V1 possible - With ibaHD-Server, measurement data can be stored continuously in high resolution. This product is now available as V2 with numerous new functions.

In this version, recorded measurement files (datfiles) can be imported into the ibaHD-Server. This allows users to store recorded measurement files - even from several systems, machines or vehicles - for central access and comprehensive evaluations in ibaHD-Server. This makes it possible to access historical data quickly and easily and to flexible generate time-related reports such as shift, day or monthly reports. Furthermore HD backups can be analyzed offline with the "Mount" function in ibaHD-Server-V2. This makes it possible to analyze HD archives independently of the productive system with ibaAnalyzer free of charge.

For users of ibaHD-Server-V1 the upgrade to V2 is possible until 2018, February 28th free of charge. Take advantage of this opportunity and contact our support.

There are two years free updates for ibaHD-Server-V2.

If you want to keep the software up-to-date and benefit from the extensions after this time, you will need to extend the update period by purchasing an EUP (Extendend Update Period) product, which will allow you to update the software for another year.


iba Training

Practice-oriented Training

All trainings are done by our qualified technicians and engineers. Due to the small training groups, they can also respond to individual questions. Our trainers all have years of experience in using the iba system and provide you with their collected experience.

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Formación iba AG

In our modern training center based in Fuerth or on-site in your company, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formación iba America

On-site in your company or in our office in Alpharetta, GA, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formación iba Austria

On-site in your company or in our office in Linz, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formación iba Benelux

On-site in your company or in our office in Gent, we offer various trainings and workshops.