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Applications & conseil

Nos services de conseil sont là pour aider nos utilisateurs à tirer le meilleur profit de leur investissement dans la technologie iba. Nous vous aidons à appliquer efficacement nos solutions analytiques à vos problèmes de surveillance et d'analyse.

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Support technique

Nous offrons un support technique à nos clients afin qu'ils puissent utiliser nos produits efficacement et prévenir les pannes pendant le fonctionnement. Notre équipe d'assistance expérimentée répondra à toutes vos demandes.

Product & Support News


Optimum repair time determined by condition monitoring from HAINZL and iba


The Condition Monitoring System (CMS) installed by iba AG detected wear damage to a particularly critical part of the hot-rolling mill at Salzgitter Flachstahl - a leading European steel manufacturer - in its first year of operation. By jointly determining the optimum time for repair, significant production downtime costs were saved.

While conventional systems do not detect this damage, the CMS from HAINZL and iba AG allows early detection by taking into account process parameters from the production plant resulting in precise analysis by the vibration experts. "This enabled us to plan our repair measures optimally and to carry them out at the ideal point of time", says Rebecca Dittkrist, the responsible maintenance engineer at Salzgitter Flachstahl. 

The detected damage showed up in certain operating modes only and was therefore very difficult to detect with conventional vibration measurement. "The built-in monitoring unit differs from other commercially available systems in that it communicates directly with the ibaPDA process data acquisition system and easily reads in the parameters required for correct monitoring," explains Herwig Eichler, Sales Manager for Condition Monitoring at HAINZL. After the repair was completed, the replaced gearbox was examined in detail and the perfectly chosen replacement time was confirmed by the mechanical experts. 

Günter Spreitzhofer, application engineer at iba AG, and Herwig Eichler from HAINZL agree: "This incident is a prime example of a perfect maintenance strategy. If the communication between mechanical maintenance and the vibration experts works well, a CMS can show its strengths and provide maximum benefit for the plant operator".

Condition monitoring - ibaCMC
ibaCMC-Centre de surveillance conditionnelle

Le centre de surveillance conditionnelle ibaCMC est une application bureau web haut de gamme servant aux tâches de tendance, d’alarme et de reporting. Le seul élément logiciel requis du côté du client est un explorateur web.

Unité de surveillance de l’état ibaCMU-S

Avec son concept hardware modulaire, la solution de surveillance conditionnelle peut être adaptée de manière optimale à différents besoins. Son fonctionnement web permet une configuration et une visualisation simple et conviviale.


iba Training

Practice-oriented Training

All trainings are done by our qualified technicians and engineers. Due to the small training groups, they can also respond to individual questions. Our trainers all have years of experience in using the iba system and provide you with their collected experience.

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Formation iba AG

In our modern training center based in Fuerth or on-site in your company, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formation iba America

On-site in your company or in our office in Alpharetta, GA, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formation iba Austria

On-site in your company or in our office in Linz, we offer various trainings and workshops.

Formation iba Benelux

On-site in your company or in our office in Gent, we offer various trainings and workshops.