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Product & Support News


Automatically learn spectral analysis

ibaInSpectra Auto-Adapting module

The auto-adapting module can be used to detect damage to machines, gearboxes and motors as well as quality-related changes in process vibrations already at a very early stage. The self-learning InSpectra module offers optimal protection for systems through automatic monitoring in real time using learned reference values.

Detecting damage at an early stage

The auto-adapting module is able to use a series of spectra to learn what the ideal spectrum should look like. The so-called reference spectrum can be learned for various process states, which, for example, relate to different speeds, materials or load areas, etc.

Since ibaInSpectra is seamlessly integrated into ibaPDA, the full ibaPDA connectivity is available to acquire all possible process signals in a system and to be used to define the states. Comparing with the ideal spectrum and the quantification of the deviation allows the end user to detect changes in process behavior at a particularly early stage before quality issues occur. The auto-adapting module also identifies the areas with the biggest deviations.

Analysis of vibrations - ibaInSpectra
ibaInSpectra - вибромониторинг состояния технологического процесса в режиме реального времени

При помощи ibaInSpectra осуществляется постоянный мониторинг вибрации, что позволяет своевременно распознавать источники ошибок. Благодаря интегрированной в ibaPDA библиотеке ibaInSpectra, наряду с чистым анализом вибраций возможно распознавание взаимосвязи между эффектами вибрации и поведением процесса.


iba Training

Practice-oriented Training

All trainings are done by our qualified technicians and engineers. Due to the small training groups, they can also respond to individual questions. Our trainers all have years of experience in using the iba system and provide you with their collected experience.

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iba AG Tренировочный

In our modern training center based in Fuerth or on-site in your company, we offer various trainings and workshops.

iba America Training

On-site in your company or in our office in Alpharetta, GA, we offer various trainings and workshops.

iba Austria Training

On-site in your company or in our office in Linz, we offer various trainings and workshops.

iba Benelux Training

On-site in your company or in our office in Gent, we offer various trainings and workshops.